Kouzan-ji Temple(高山寺)
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Kouzan-ji Temple(高山寺)

1. Location-Access
This temple is located in the mountain of Mt.Tgano,Rakuhoku area to North/West of Kyoto.
It can take 55 minutes from Kyoto station to Togano bus stop. by JR bus.

2. Who was built this temple?

1) Kouzan-temple belongs to the Shingon Sect. and is enshrined the Syaka Nyoriai Buddha.(高山寺は真言宗に属し、釈迦如来が安置されている。)
2) It was established at beginning of 13th century. A holy named Myoe restored the temple, originally built in 1774 by the order of retired Empeior Gotaba
and renamed it “Kouzan-ji”.
3) At the time of restration,the temple comprised a number of building, including Kondo (main hall), Amida Buddha hall, 13 soried pagota and eastern and western sutra repositories..
4) It fell into decline during Seengoku period of middle of ages, but was restored in 1631 during the Edo period(1603-1867).
(その後、中世の戦乱期に荒廃し、江戸時代(1603-1867) 1631年に再興した。)

3. What is this temple famous for ?

1) A large number of treasures 数多くの宝物

In its precincts there are famous buildings, including the Sekisui-in(residence, National Treasure), the Kondo(main hall, Important cultural prosperty), the Kaisan-do(hall commemorating the foulder, Important cultural property) and others.

① Sekisui-in  石水院

The Sekisui-in is the only surviving structure that dates from Myoe’s time.It is a residential structure evoking the atmosphere of Kamakura period(1185-1332).

② Kon-do(main hall) 金堂

The Kon-do was destroyed by fire in the Muromachi period(1336-1573).
The extant building is said to have been transferred from the Ninna-ji in 1634, during the Edo period. The image of the Dainichi-nyorai Buddha is enshrined as the main object of worship.

③ Kaisan-do 開山堂

The Kaisan-do is the building commemorating Myoe. It was also destroyed by fire the Muromachi period and rebuilt during Edo period.

2) Chouju Jinbutsu Giga(caricatures beasts and human being)鳥獣人物戯画

① The Kouzan-ji possesses many paintings, craftworks and documents designated as National treasures and Important cultural properties, including the World-famous Chou-ju Jinbutsu Giga.
② Visitors can see what is considered japan’s first manga, a scroll depincting animals in a satire of Court life of Heian period(794-1332).
③ Reflecting the social conditions of the time, the scroll Otsu in which rabbits ,frongs and monkeys were personaified and dipcted is very famous.
The current configuration consists of 4 volumes.

3) The birthplace of Japanese tea  日本茶の発祥地

① The priest Myoe is said to have planted tea plants given to him by Zen master Eisai
in the tea garden on the temples grounds at the beginning of the Kamakura
period(1185-1332), lauching the spread of tea cultivation throughout the country.
② In recognition of this history, tea products from Uji make an offering of new tea    in front of temple’s Joninbyo each November.
③ On the opposite side of the Kiyotake-river fron the Kouzan-ji was a tea field.
It is said to have been the oldest tea field in Japan.
