Myoshin-ji Temple(妙心寺)
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Myoshin-ji Temple(妙心寺)

1. Location-Access

This temple is located near JR Hanazono station, at Rakusai Area in Kyoto.
It takes 12 minutes by JR Sagano Line from Kyoto sta. to Hanazono, five-minute walk.
Or it takes 45 minutes by city bus #26 from Kyoto sta. to Myoshinji-katamon-mae.
(この寺は、洛西エリアでJR花園駅の近くに位置している。JR嵯峨野線で京都駅から花園駅(12分)、徒歩5分。又は、市バス#26系統 京都駅(約40分)→妙心寺北門前、(徒歩5分)→妙心寺 )

2. Who was this temple built ?

1) In 1337, it is said that this temple was Hanazono Houou assigned Egen Kanzan as the founding patron and changed the name of detached place Hagiwara-den to Myoshin-ji.
The principality is Syaka Nyorai.
2) Nyoshin-ji was against the rating of Rinzai Sect by Yoshimitsu because he had a harsh zen style to value training with Daitoku-ji. And it was confiscated for due to the Ounin war after renaissance and changed the name to Ryoun-ji.
But it reconstructed by Soushin Settuko in 1477.
3) The temple has many famous priest-graduates and extended power even countryside.
Currently it has 3500 sub-temples and it is the biggest Sect among Rinzai Sect.
余りで臨済宗派の中最大である。 )

3. What is this temple famous for ?

1) Buddhism large temple complex  禅式の大伽藍
① You may see the three Gates, Buddhist Hall, Lecture Hall, Bed room and Daihoujyo
in the northern area of Chokushi-mon, Bath room, Bell Tower and Literary in the eastern area. The architecture from late Muromachi to early Edo was the most complete form of the Zen Buddhist temple. Two gardens of Houjyo are neat, clean and very popular.
② The bell placed in the temple is called “bell of Oushikicho”. It is called in 698and it is the oldest Zaimei Zell in Japan. It is superior in terms of the shape and tone color. The temple has more than 40 sub-temples and amazed as HQ of Zen Sect.
2) Sub-temple in the this temple   山内塔頭
Myoushi-ji has 36 sub-temples in this temple. Especially, these temples show a beautiful
roof and connected roof looks like singing lightly. The roofs with tiles are art.

4. What is highlight ?

伽 藍

1) 南総門(重要文化財) Minami-soumon

Minami-soumon was built in 1610 of Edo period and convenient in using Hanazono station.

2) 勅使門(重要文化財) Chokusi-mon

Chokushi-mon was built in 1610 of Edo period and is a gate without opening..

3) 北門(重要文化財)  Kita-mon

Kita-mon is built in 1610 of Edo period and located in the north of Myoushi-ji.

4) 前庭(重要文化財) Meniwa

In entering Minami-mon, you can see Maeniwa located at Houjyo-pond of the left side.

5) 三門(重要文化財)  Sanmon

Inside of Myoushin-ji, it is so wide and quite in here. A gate with brilliant red pillars and other buildings are placed orderly in a line such as San-mon, Butsudan and Hatto.
On beams and columns, the Dragon, Phoenix and Calestial maiden are drawn powerfully.

6) 仏殿(重要文化財)  Butsuden

In passing through Sanmon, we can see Butsudan which is enshrined Syaka Nyorai statue of the Principality.

7) 法堂(重要文化財) Hatto

Hatto is built in 1656 of Edo period. The dragon painting on the ceiling is on “Unryu” or Cloud dragon figure” made by Tanyuu Kano. It’s very famous.
It’s called “Happo-nirami –no-ryu” or “dragon that glares in all directions.
Because it looks like that the dragon glaring at you, no matter where you stand .
The big bell placed inside of the Hatto hall made about 1300 years ago. It is said to be the oldest bell in Japan with the year of casting written on it.

8) 寝堂(重要文化財) Shin-do

Shin-do was built in 1656 of Edo period and is a building connected by Hatto and crossing corridor.

9) 大方丈(重要文化財) Daihoujyo

This shrine was built in 1654 and the Kano school was decollated with barrier paintings inside.


1) 退蔵院(公開) Taizou-in

Taizou-in is famous for “Hyounenzu(National Treasure)” made by Josetsu, Japan’s early representative ink painting.
画像:退 蔵 院

2) 大心院(公開) Daishin-in

Dry style garden, “Aun no niwa” is a cozy garden, centered on Sanso-stone located in white sand, moss and stone.

3) 柱春院(公開) Keishun-in

The garden, “Shinnyo no miwa”, featuring thick hair moss and rhododendrons has been designated a historic site and a scenic spot.

4) 大通院(非公開) Daitsuu-in

Kazutoyo Yamanouchi’s corridor and portrait .

5) 龍泉庵(非公開) Ryosen-an

Tohaku Hasegawa, “Monkeys and a Bamboo Grove (Important Cultural Property).

