Kamigamo-jinja Shrine 上賀茂神社
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Kamigamo-jinja Shrine(上賀茂神社)


This shrine is located in Rakuhoku Area to the North of Kyoto.

We take about 50 minutes from Kyoto station to Kamigamo Jinja-mae by city bus # 4, and 5 minutes walk. Or it takes 40 minutes from Kyoto sta. to Kitaoji by subway and from Kitaoji to Kamigamo Goenbashi by city bus North#3.


市バス 4系統で京都駅から下鴨神社前、徒歩5分で計約45分。




Who was built this temple?

  • This shrine has the oldest Shinto shrine in Kyoto among the oldest shrine.

In 678,Founded to deity the ancestors of Kamo chan who had held this region for a long time. Kamo-wakeizuchi jinja shrine, popularly called Kamigamo-jinja on World Heritage by UNESCO.


  • It had already acquired considerable fluence by the end of 7th

After the establishment of Heian-kyou, it attracted many worshippers in the Imperial Court as a shrine for pacification and protection of nation.


  • By the beginning of 11th century, the shrine building had been built in nearly their present forms, but gradually deteriorated thereafter.


  • The restoration work in 1628 extended over the entire shrine precincts, referring to the historical records, painting and sketches. It was restored as it had been in the Heian period(794-1184). After restoration the Honden(main shrine building) was rebuilt seven times. The present Honden and Gonden (associate shrine building) were rebuilt in 1863.




  • The crest of the Kamigamo Shrine features the leaves of holly hock, and said to have inspired the Tokugawa Shogunate to use a similar crest of Shimogamo Shrine.


  • Iemitsu TOKUGAWA is said to have had a deep respect for this shrine, which, along with a nember of Kyoto shrines and temples was made of a World Heitage Site in 1994.


Was made a World Heritage Site in 1994.

Was made a World Heritage Site in 1994.


What is this temple famous for ?

Annual Event    年中行事

1/10 Gonaigikigan,  1/16Busyasinji( Archery),  2/14Kigensai,  2/24Kozaisai,       4/3 Kamo kyosun-en, 5/4Saioudaimitigiri ,  5/15Kamosai Festival(Aoi Festival),      6/10 Otauesai , 7/1 Gamogotodainou(Makino), 7/26Kamono Mizumaturi,

9/9Choyousinnzi and Karasuzumou, 9/13Kamokanngetusai, 10/20 Kasagakesinzi(Archery), 10/22 Festival of the Eras,  11/13Ainamesai


9/9重陽神事と烏相撲、9/13賀茂観月祭、10/20笠懸神事、10/22時代祭、11/13 相当祭)


Honden and Gonden 本殿と権殿

The Honden and Gonden are of the same size, about 5.5m across and 3.7m long from back to back, and the same shape situated along East West axies.  They are built in Nagare-dukuri(following) style of architecture with prayer porticos in front.  Their Nagare show an ancient style.They are both designated as National treasures.



Aoi Festival  葵祭(6時間)

One of Kyoto’s most famous festival, or the Kamo Festival. Recognized as one of Kyoto’s Big Three Festivals, the Aoi Festival is held every May 15 at the Shimogamo and Kamigamo Shrine.

Over 500 people take part in the elegant procession recreating the departure from Kyoto Old Emplace, passing from the Shimogamo to the Kamigamo Shrine by the Heian period aristocracy.



What is highlight?

大鳥居 Otorii ( the huge vermillion)

The huge vermillion Torii gate is an impressive site, and tale you into a sacred world.

On entering, the wide open space, where Aoi Festival is staged, allow visitors calm their minds before supplication.




しだれ桜  Weeping cherry

The weeping cherry tree found between the first and second tori gates is also very famous.(一の鳥居と二の鳥居の間にある「しだれ桜」も有名である。)


参道 Sando

The procession of Aoi Festival, which is the festival of Shimogamo and Kamigami Shrine passes on the path.  Do you know why people call it the Aoi Festival?

Because the people and the ox carts will be decollated with futaba aoi leaves.

After we pass by the second tori, we can see on historical building another.          Most of them are designated cultural properties.



細殿  Hosodono

On passing through the second tori gate, visitors find themselves before the main worship hall, with two large cones of sand displayed out front.

The mark the spot where the god of Kamigamo Shrine is said to have descended to earth.

The contract of shadow and light on the Kamigamo Shrine is said to be one of highlight of a visit to the shrine. The white gravel on the entrance path of Kamigami Shrine. is very beautiful.





本殿  Main building (National treasure)

The Main hall of Kamigamo Shrine is listed as National treasure of Japan because it has typical “Nagare-zukiri” construction. The front side of roof is longer than back side of it.

Though we van’t see it usually.




片岡社   Kataoka-sya

At Kataoka-sya Tamayoribine is enshrined. It’s the most important sub-shrine in Kamigamo Shrine because Tamayoribine is a Mother ‘s diety of Kamigamo Shrine.


橋殿/舞殿  Hashidono/Maidono (National Treasure)

We put “Hitogata” on the stream from Hashidono on “Nagoshi-no-harae” ritual. In ritual, Hitogata bring anything evil away.



武射神事 Musyashinji

This attractions include the Mushashinji, a ceremony every January 16 in which the world for demon, or oni is written on the back of the archery targets and shot at in order to disposal bad luck.


渉渓園  Syokei-en

Syokei-en is a garden made for “Kyokusuien”. At 2nd Sunday of April, Kamo Kyukusui-en was held and we can see Sachi-dai of last year. There is a stream in Syokei-en.

Composer on “Waka” sit along the stream. Read the poetry before a dish of sake pass through and drink sake.  Flow a dish of sake.



In September, you can see Karasuzumo, or crow sumo wresling.Two men in white traditional cloths make the sound of crows,and dozens of children perform sumo wrestling as an offering to the gods.

