Nanzen-ji Temple(南禅寺)
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Nanzen-ji Temple(南禅寺)

1. Location-Access

This temple is located at Okazaki Area near the Heian Shrine, Kyoto.
It takes 25 minutes by city bus #5 from Kyoto sta. to Higashi-tennoucho bus, ten-minute walk. City bus: Kyoto station (Line #5)→Higashi-tennoucho(7 minute-walk)→Nanzen-ji
Subway: Kyoto station →Karasuma-oike→Keage(10 minute-walk)→Nanzen-ji
市バス#5系統 京都駅→南禅寺(約25分)、(徒歩10分)→南禅寺
地下鉄 京都駅→烏丸御池駅→東山駅、(徒歩10分)→南禅寺)

2. Who was built this temple?

1) In 1291, this temple was established by Fumon Mukan and Soen Kian after a dispatched place was donated by Emperor Kameyama (Houou) . The principality is Syaka Nyorai.
2) Zen Buddhism is a collective term for three Sects such as Rinzai Sect, Oubaku Sect and Souto Sect. Nanzen-ji is the head temple of Nanzen-ji Sect of the 15 head temples in Rizai Sect and Oubaku Sect.
3) In Muromachi period, this temple has been worshiped as the praying grounds for national peace and was positioned as a special case and highest ranking of all five mountains.
Kyoto five Mountains: Exceptional Nanngen-ji, 1st Tenryu-ji, 2nd Syoukoku-ji, 3rdKennin-ji, 4th Tofuku-ji, 5th Manjyu-ji.
(室町時代の五山制度が行われると、「五山之上」という最高位に認められ、別格と位置つけられて、尊敬、崇拝を得て今日に至っている。 京都五山 別格:南禅寺、1位:天龍寺、2位:相国寺、3位:建仁寺、4位:東福寺、5位:万寿寺)

3. What is this temple famous for ?

1) Sanmon (Imperial Cultural property)  三門

① The three gates of Kyoto are Chion-in, Ninna-ji and Nanzen-ji Temple.
Three gates of Nanzen-ji is known for the “three achievement of enlightment, which represent “Vacuity”, “No form”, and “Natural”.
② You may see lots of maple trees inside of temple grounds. Especially, in a spot nearby the Three Gates is very popular with the saying of “What an impressive site”,
By a famous thief Goemon in Kabuki show. This is the best place to see marvelous view leaves around the Kyoto city.

2) Nanzen-ji waterway ,   南禅寺水路閣

① This waterway was arched pier aqueduct with 93m length, 9m height incivilization flowering soon 1888. It is a feat that brought blessing to future generations so as to control artificial water-resources of Lake Biwa.
The functionality and design of these buildings are also outstanding.
② That was used as a location for the many drama, commercial and anime and have been added flower to the work, particularly it is indispensable for suspense.

3) Garden of “Torano-ko-watashi” 名勝“虎の子渡し”

① There are lots of cultural assets in the temple. The Dai Hojyou and Shou Hojyou are registered as National treasures. Chokushi gate, three gates and others also registered as Important Cultural properties.
② The front garden Houjyou is very famous for the dry style garden with the name of “Torano-ko-watashi” which means the tiger pass its baby, made by Enshu Kobori,

4. What is highlight ?

1) 勅使門 Chokushi-mon(Important cultural property)

Chokushi-mon is a gate to communicate the Emperor’s intention.
It was relocated from Gyosyo by Empeor Nyouou in 1641.

2) 雲竜図 Unryu-zu

In lots of Zen temples, there are a picture of a dragon on the ceiling of Houdo.
We cannot usually enter, but can see a powerful cloud dragon figure from the outside.

3) 方丈 Houjyou

There are Dai Hyoujyo and Syo Hyoujyo at the back site in this temple. Houjyo is the living for Zen temple’s priest. There are lots of sliding screen paintings in Houjyo which have already 400 years and so stocked in the storage.

4) 方丈庭園   Houjyo garden

The front garden of Houjyo is a representative dry-style-garden in the early Edo period.
Another name is “Torano-ko-watashi” and this garden in more famous than Ryouan-ji of dry-style-garden.

5) 最勝院高徳院   Saisyoin-Kotokuin

When you pass through the waterway, you can see Saisyoin-Katokuan.
Beautiful green season and red leaves are also exquisite.
The pine is called “Matching Pine” because a 300 year-old crape myrtle and a 100 year-old pine are intergrated.

6) 南禅院天授庵  Nanzenin-Tenjyuan

It is also worth seeing the gardenof Chisen Kaiyu Style located in the Nanzenin Tenjyuan. It’s style pond at the center and surrounding garden path style.

7) 春の桜、秋の紅葉

Sakura in Spring & red leaves in Autumn
In spring, the temple grounds will also be full of cheery bloosom. The temple grounds are so huge that it is difficult to point out enjoys the collaboration of white wall, garden path and cherry bloosoms.

