Fishimi Inari Taisha(伏見稲荷大社) 

Fishimi Inari Taisha(伏見稲荷大社)



This shrine is located at the foot of Mt.Inari in the South-East of Kyoto.
JR Nara Line Inari station ,or Keihan Line Inari-Fushimi station and 5 minutes walking

2)稲荷神社の総本社 The head shrine of more than 30,000 shrines

① Fushimi Inari Taisha is the head shrine of more than 30,000 shrines in Japan dedicated to Inari.(伏見稲荷大社は日本に3万以上ある稲荷神社の総本宮です。)
② It was selected as No1 for 5 years in “the ranking of popular sightseeing spots among foreign tourists in Japan.(外国人人気の日本観光スポットランキングで5年連続1位である。)
③ You are expected to bow in front of the Torii gate to pay your respects. Since the god travel through the middle, it’s polite not to pass through the middle of the Torii gate.
④ Senbon tori are a symbol of Fushimi shrine and was built during Nara Peroid, Yokihi of China.(千本鳥居は伏見神社のシンボルで、奈良時代(701-794)(中国楊貴妃時)に創建さた)

3)Who was built this shrine?

This shrine is said to have been built in 711-the early 8th century,(Expansion of Isramic Empire). It was one of the family shrine of Hata Family, Hata-no-Irogu, a powerful immigrant-family from Korea.(8世紀の711年に創建されたと言われている。それは、韓国から強大な移民豪族 秦伊侶具の秦一族である)

4)What is this shrine enshrined?

① The shrine is dedicated to the benefit of huge harvests, prosperous business and the safety of family. (この神社は五穀豊穣、商売繁盛、家内安全のご利益がある。)
② This consists of Main Gate, Main Santuary (Honden), Worshipping Hall, 1000 Red Torii Gate.(この神社は主に、正門(桜門)、外拝殿、内拝殿・本殿、千本鳥居から成る。)

5)狐のお使い Fox messenger of the Great Inari Myojin Diety

① Foxes are messengers of Inari god. You can find statues of fox at not only Fushimi Inari Shrine but also inari shrine all over the country.(狐は稲荷神の使いなんだ。狐の像は稲荷大社だけでなく全国の稲荷神社で見れる)
② The statue of fox with rice stalk is a symbol of huge harvest. Inari god is of agricultures. (稲穂を咥えているのは狐が五穀豊穣の象徴、稲荷神は農業の神)
③ The handscroll represents wisdom. (巻物は知恵の象徴)
④ The ball represents the virtue of Inari and the key their wishes for acquiring the virtue. (玉は稲荷神の霊徳の象徴、鍵はその霊徳を身に着けようとする願望の象徴)

6)本殿で拝んだ後  After worshipping at the Main Sanctuary Hall(Honden)

① This building is painted in vermilion and built in “Nagare Zukuri” or Floating Architectural style. It is called “Inari Zukuri” style because of special structure of protruding roof in the front.
② It is designated as an Important Cultural Property. The worshipping hall(Haiden) was built in 1981. (重要文化財に指定されていて、拝殿は1981年に改築された。)

7)千本鳥居入口  Entrance of “Senbon Torii”

① There are up to 5,000 Torii gates in the precincts which were donated mostly by merchant and companies to pray the prosperity of their business. (境内には主に商人や会社から商売繁盛を祈って寄付された5000基の鳥居がある。)
② The donor’s names are painted in black on the back of each Torii gate. The cheapest Torii you can devote is 175,000 yen.
③ They are offered when we want to pray for something, or after our prayers are answered. (願い事をする時、又は願い事が叶った時、奉納される。)
④ Vermilion torii are believed to keep evils away. (朱色の鳥居は魔除けらしい。)
⑤ There are about 10,000 torii gates on hill at the site of the shrine.(境内の中の山腹に約1万の鳥居が並んでいる。)
⑥ These are called “One Thousand Torii “but there are actually 10 thousands of Torii in Fushimi Inari Shrine. (名前は「千本鳥居」だけど実際には1万本近くある)
⑦ “Senbon Torii” is called only one part with thickly-packed smaller gates in two parallel tunnel. (ぎっしりとした1本のトンネルと小さな並行トンネルを千本鳥居と呼んでいる。)
⑧ Let’s walk through thousands of tori gates. If you would like to go through all of them, it will take a few hours and a lot of energy.
8)千本鳥居を通り抜け後のおもかる石After going through the “Senbon Torii’, “Omokaru-ishi“
① It’s called Omokaru-ishi. It literally means something like heavy-or-light stone.(これは、おもかる石と呼ばれていて、文字通りの意味で言うとHeavy-or-light stone)
② At first, you are supposed to make a wish in mild in front of the lantern.(まず、灯篭の前に立って自分の願い事を心の中で念じるんだ。)
③ Then hold up the stone on the lantern. (次に灯篭の上にある石をもちあげてね。)
④ If the stone is lighter than you expected, you will come true soon.
⑤ If you feel it’s heavy, unfortunately you wish you will take time to come true or it won’t come true. (石が重く感じたら残念ながら願い事が叶うのはずっと先になるか、残念ながら叶わないよ。)
