Chion-in Temple(知恩院)
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Chion-in Temple(知恩院)

1. Location-Access

This temple is located in the foot of Kachosan mountain at Higashiyama area, Kyoto.
It takes 20 minutes from Kyoto station to Chion-in mae by city-bus #206,ten-minute walk, or from Kyoto sta.- karasuma-oike to higasiyama sta. by subway.
市バス206系統 京都駅→知恩院前(15分),徒歩10分
地下鉄 京都駅→烏丸御池→東山駅、徒歩8分)

2. Who was built this temple?

1) In 1175, this temple was built by priest Hounen, jyodo Sect and the principality is Hounen statue at main hall and Amida Nyorai at Amida-do.
2) In 1207, Kamakura period, Priest Hounen and Jyodo Sect were oppressed by Emperor Gotoba and Enryaku-ji temple and was gone and died.
3) In 1604, Tokugawa Sgogunate enlarged this temple in order to control Gosyo and understand Jyodo’s thought..
4) In 1633, Sanmom and Seishi-do were burnt down, and was rebuilt in 1641.
5) We can divide three areas, such as Gedan(bottom area), Chudan(middle area), Jodan(top area) in this temple. Gedan is Sanmon and Main buildings and Chudan is Hondo(main hall) supported by Tokugawa Shogunate.
Jodan remains Netsushi-do and Hounen corridor as originally opened.

3. What is this temple famous for ?

1) Sanmon (National treasure) 三門(国宝)

① The Sanmon gate of kyoto are Nanzen-ji, Ninna-ji and Chion-in temple.
Sanmon of Chion-in is known of the “three achievement of enlightment, which represent “Vacuity”, “No form” and “Natural”. It was constructed by the donation from 2nd shogun, Hidetaka Tokugawa in 1621.
② These Sanmon of this temple have the tallest height for wooden gate in Japan. The width is 26.6m and the height is 23.8m from the foundation stone to the roof.
The typical shape of Sanmon is the Gakensanko-nikainiyu-mon in Irimoya-Tsukuri style and clay tile roofing. The frame of Kacho-san set up in the front of the temple three gates was painted by Emperor Reigen.
③ Entering the temple three gates, you may see two kinds of slopes which is called Otokozaka and Onnazaka. On the Otokozaka there are steep stairways.
On the other hand, the Onnazaka has more gentle stairways butslightly longer slope.

2) The whole view from the Kacho-san   華頂山からの景色

You may enjoy the nice view of red leaves covering the whole mountain from the Kacho-zan of Higashiyama. On the long way to Emperor’s grave, you may also enjoy the red leaves by looking down the whole temple grounds with light up.

3) Joya-no-kane on New Year’s Eve 除夜の鐘

① People visit temples to ring the bells to make their hearts pure for New Year. We don’t know exactly how it started, but some people think that this custom came from China.
② Chion-in temple in Higashiyama hard has one of the three biggest bells in Japan.
The large bell is 70 tons weight, 3.3m height and 2.8m dia.and is ring by 17 priests at time. Visitors cannot ring the bell, but they can experience special feelings watching the priest’s prayers.

4. What is the highlight?

1) Miei-do (National Treasure)   御影堂

After climb up slope, we can go the square in Miei-do garden.
Miei-do which enshrine Hounen, is called “Oudono” or “Hondo”.

2) Hojyo-teien/Yuzen-en    方丈庭園(名勝)/友禅苑

There are two gardens, Hojyoteien and Yuzenen in this temple.
Hyojyoteien is at the back of Miei-do, made by Enshu kobori and priest gyokuen.
Hojyo architecture, Nature in Higashiyama and Hojyo garden are integrated.
On the other hand, Yuzen-en is two kinds of garden, Karesansui of mainly sand and stone and spring-water of Higashiyama.

3) Tahou-to   多宝塔

This pagota is the highest building and is called 7,520,000 spirit pagotas,built in 1958.

4) Amida-do   阿弥陀堂

Amida-do was built in 1910, fell into ruin in 1910, Meiji period.
5) Kara-mon (Important cultural property)     唐門
Kara-mon is called Chokushi-mon, built in 1641. The gate is carved as such as poeny arabesque, an old man riding a carp fish.

6) Hounen shonin-zo   法然上人像

There is Hounen satue on the way to Kyozo from Miei-do hall.

7) Kyodo (Important cultural property)   経蔵

Kyodo staue at east of Miei-do was built in 1621 as same as Sanmon.
Inside, there are Kano school paintings one the wall and ceiling.

8) Seven of Chion-in temple    知恩院の七不思議

Uguisubari-rouka, Coffin of plain wood, Forgotten umbrella, Car staring three sides, Big dipper, Cucuber stone, are said as seven mysteries of Chion-in temple.

9) Seishi-do (Important cultural property)   勢至堂

Seishi-do is the birthplace where priest Hounen to be spread the teaching the priest.

