To-ji Temple(東寺)
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To-ji Temple(東寺)

1. Location-Access

It is located in Rakunan Area near Kyoto station, Kyoto.
We can take 15 minutes walk from Machijouguchi to Toji temple or 5 minutes from Kyoto station to Toji bus stop by city bus #205.

2. Who was built this temple?

1) This temple is built in 796 by Emperor Kanmu for national protection of Heian period.
To-ji and Sai-ji temple were built in the east and west of Rajo-mon (Heian period Palace).
(この寺は796年桓武天皇は平安遷都の国家鎮護のために建立した。 羅城門の東西に
2) In 823,Kukai made this temple home of Shingon Sect. under Emperor Saga’s command,
two years later the Lecture Hall was completed.
3) This temple temporarily decided in late Heian Period (794-1185) and was widely believed by Royal Family to common people from Kamakura period(1185-1333), due to the growing faith of Koubou Daishi.

4) Later, it reconstructed with the support of Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, and protected by Edo Shogunated. The Main Hall was built under Imperial command by Hideyoshi.
5) Formal name is Kyoougakoku-ji and was made a World Heritage Site in 1994.

3. What is this temple famous for ?

1) Five-storied pagota(National Treasures) 五重塔(国宝)

① Five-storied pagota built by Iemitsu TOKUGAWA in 1644 and the largest pagota in city is beautiful with 55m high.
The famous five-storied pagota includes Kofuku-ji, Daigo-ji and To-ji.

② This tower has been burned 4 times since foundation, there is no record that collapse by earthquake. It’s a structure where shafts and braid assemble repeat to the top layer. Flexible structure in which timbers are not fixed mail.

③ Earthquake energy is absorbed at the junction. The energy get weaker as it reaches the upper layer. And the lower and upper layers vibrate alternately.
After all, this pagota is strong against earthquake because the resilience is stronger than fall force.

④ The walls and pillars of the first stor have a Ryokai Mandala of painting of 8 founders of Shingon drawn on them. The altar has statues of 4 Kongogai Buddhas and Eight Great Buddhism stautes around the central pillar.
(初層内部の壁や柱は、両界曼荼羅や真言八祖像を描いている。 また、須弥壇には心柱を中心にして金剛界四仏像と八大菩薩像を安置している。)

➄ Was made a World Heritage Site in 1994.


2) Many National Treasures and Important Cultural Property 多くの国宝と重要文化財

① This is a big temple and Nandai-mon, Kondo Hall, Kodo Hall and Jikido are orderly placed in a straight line from south to north.

② The layout and scale of temples have never changed and there are many treasures about esoteric art. It’s so precious to be imcomparable with other temples.

4. What is highlight ?

1) Nandai-mon (Important Cultural property).  南大門「重要文化財)

Relocated from west gate of Sanjusangendo.
Wild sculpture is a characteristic of Momoyama culture.
Architecture that opens down like a frog in order to support the upper loading.

2) Kondo (Main hall, National Treasures) 金堂(本堂、国宝)

Eight pillars gate with wide18m-hight13m. With its Irimoya style tile roof it appears to be 2 stories tall, but that is to be an extra of eavas. Yakushi Nyorai statue, Nikko and Gakko Bosstsu statue are shrined inside the vast space.

3) Kodo (Important Cultural Property)  講堂(重要文化財)

A single-storey hip-and gable roof structure.
A esloteric statue is enshrined inside, focusing on Dainishi Buddha.

4) Jikodo 食堂

Pilgrimage place for pilgrims
5) Miedo (taisi-do, National Treasures)      御影堂(太師堂、国宝)
Miedo where Kukai lived, is a compound Buddhist temple from front hall, back hall and middle gate with whispering throughout. The Fudo-Myoo-sitting statue ,which Kukai considered a Buddist Buddha, (National treasure) is enshrined.

6) Hozo  宝蔵

Hozo was lacated on the south side of the Keiga gate and a storehouse in the Azekura construction style of late Heian period(794-1185), it is To-ji’ oldest building.

