Shimogamo Shrine(下鴨神社)
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Shimogamo Shrine(下鴨神社)

1. Location-Access

This shrine is located in Rakuhoku Area to the North of Kyoto.
We take about 40 minutes from Kyoto station to Shimogamo-Jingyamae bus stop by city bus #205, 4, and 5 minutes walk(30+5). Or it takes 30 minutes from Kyoto sta. to Kitaoji by subway and from Kitaoji to Shimogamo-Jinyamae by city bus #205, 4.
市バス205, 4系統で京都駅から下鴨神社前、徒歩5分で計約45分。

2. Who was built this shrine?

1) This shrine has the oldest history in Kyoto along with Kamigamo Shrine and was recognized as a World Heritage sites in 1994. Shimogamo shrine has 2 Hondens (Main shrine) of National Treasure and 53 Palaces of Important Cultural Property
2) The Kamo-mioya-jinja, popularly called the Shimogamo-jinja . This shrine has been regarded as a site of great historical significance because archaeological excavations at its original have been its relics of the Joumon-period.
3) When Heian-kyou was established, it counted numerous worshppers in Imperial Courted as a shrine for pacification and prediction for the nation.
All the 11th century, it had been developed into its present form. During the Ounin-no-ran(war, 1467-77) most shrine building were burned to ashes, together with surrounding forest, Tadasu-no-mori.
4) They are built in the Nagare-dukuri(following) style of architecture, which show clearly the ancient style of architecture form with prayer porticos in front.
5) In this shrine, the building are renovated on a large scale every 21 years.
The custom to be established was in Heian Period(794-1192) and latest renovation was completed in 2015. In the past were torn down and every time.
Is it amazing that the custom has a long history.

3. What is this temple famous for ?

1) Annual Event       年中行事

1/4 Kemari(Ball game), 5/3Horseback Archery, 5/12Mikage Festival, 5/13Aoi Festival, 7/end Mitarashi-sai Festival, 9/middle Autumn Moon Kangen-sai Festival,
10/9 Autumn Harvest Festival, 10/22 Festival of the Eras
(1/4蹴鞠初め、 3/3雛流し、 5/3流鏑馬神事、 5/12御影祭、 5/15葵祭、 7/下旬御手洗祭、 9月中秋名月管弦祭、10/9大国秋祭、10/22時代祭り)

2) Tadasu Woods  糺の森.

Speaking of long history, Tadasu no Mori, or Tadasu Woods, in the shrine area is a very precious piece of untouched nature preserved in the city of Kyoto.

3) Aoi Festival    葵祭

The Aoi Festival, held on may 15 every year, is one of kyoto’s three major festival.       It is a parade of hundreds of people dressed in cloth worn in the Court around 1000 years ago. The one-kilometer parade starts from The Old Imperial Palace Gardens, goes through Shimogamo shrine, and ends at Kamigamo shrine..

4. What is the merit and highlight?

1) 縁結び(相生社) Matching marriage(Aoisya)
This shrine, Aoisya is said very popular with young lady worships and Kamimukono-kami dieties is shrined a pillar of Sahamura shrine.
Next to this shrine, there is a god named “Renli-no-Kengi”.It is said to be manifestation of spiritual trials that two trees is connected to one tree on the way.
2) 美人祈願ができる「河合神社」 Kawai shrine to be prayed for beauty
Sacred diety is shrine Oihime to be female guarden diety.
Kagami-ema : Ema is an ancient Japanese pattern mirrior.
Oshirai: Maybe be beautiful lady.
Bijin- sui water: beautiful sacred water from the Karin garden.
3) お守り Charm
This charm, containing water from Mitarai-pond, is said to be exorcism and keep illness away. Aoi charm: Matchmaking charm with a Futaba motif is pink and green color.
Hime charm: Bag pattern made of orimped dough is different.
葵のお守り  双葉葵をモチーフにした縁結びの守りはピンクを緑
媛守(ひめまもり) 縮緬生地で作られ袋の模様が違う。)
4) みたらし団子 Mitarashi-Dango dunpling
To shape from bubble of water that spring from Mitarashi-ike pond in Tadasu woods. Five dumplings are the arms and legs and top is far away. It means 5 body satisfaction wishes.
