Ninnaji Temple(仁和寺)
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Ninnaji Temple(仁和寺)

1. Location-Access

This tenple is located in Rakuhoku Area to the North/South of Kyoto.
We take about 40 minutes from Kyoto station to Uzumasa station by JR railway,
and satueisyo-mae to omuroninnnazi by Keifuku railway.

2. Who was built this temple?

1) This temple was begun by Imperial request and was completed in 888 under Emperor Uda. (この寺は888年に宇多天皇により完成した勅願寺である。)

2) Ninnaji-temple became the foremost monzeki0jiin. Monzeki-jiin was a temple who abbot was an Imperial Prince or other number of the Imperial Family.
So it was also called the “Omuro-gosho” (Imperial Palce).

3) It was destroyed by fire during the “Ounin-no-lan”(1467-77)wars, but was rebuilt 1641-44. For this restoration, the Shishiden (main hall) and Tsune-goten (private palace) of the Gosho (Imperial Palace) were relocated to Ninnaji Temple.
They respectively became the Kondo and Ninnaji Goten, which was destroyed by fire in 1888.

4) Other building in the temple are the Miekage-do, which was built of wood used in the Seiryoden building, a part of the Imperial Palace, Niou-mon (Deva gate), the Chu-mon (middle gate) and the Gojuno-tou (five –storied pagoda).
The Majority of Ninnaji building started from this 17th century restoration.

3. What is this temple famous for ?

1) There are Kondo(National Treasure) and Gojuno-tou(Important Cultural Property) in this temple. ‘Goten Palace is Gosho style architecture and has Heian Dynasy Culure drifts.
2) This temple is famous for late blooming cherry blossoms in spring and Autumn leaves.

4. What is highlight?

1) 拝観ルート   Visiting Rute(1 hour)

Niou-mon(Deva gate) → Goten → Chu-mon(middle gate) →Goju-no-tou(five-storied pagota)→ Kusho-myojin → Kyodo → Kondo → Toro → Mikage-do →Mizukake-fudouson → Daikokudo → Goten.
(二王門 → 御殿 → 中門 →五重塔→ 九所明神 → 経堂 → 金堂 → 桜楼 → 御影堂 →水掛不動尊 → 大黒堂 → 御殿).

2) 二王門(重要文化財)  Niou-mon (Important Cultural Property)

What a big gate! This temple has a lot of eye-catching buildings like this Niou-mon gate and five-storied pagoda. It was built in 1645 and the height is 18.7m.
In this time, the Sanmon, large triple gate of Nanzenji, Chionin and Ninnaji were built.
First two were constructed in Zenshu style, others in Heian style.

3) 御殿(国宝) Goten (National Treasure)

Let’s go inside. The gates and buildings have a somewhat elegant look. This temple has a lot to do with the Imperial Family. This is where Emperor Uda lived and composed of Shinden, Kokusho-in, Hakusyo-in with Gosyo type architecture style.
(さあ、入ろう!  境内にある門や建物はどこか優雅な感じがある。皇室にもゆかりが深く、宸殿、黒書院、白書院からなり御所風建築である。)

4) 中門 (重要文化財)  Chumon (Important Cultural Property)

Middle gate is the second gate of Ninnaji-Temple, lacated straight from Niou-mon.
It was built vermilion gate in early Edo period, 17 century.

5) 五重塔(重要文化財) Five storied pagota (Important Cultural Property)

A representative pagota of Kanei era and was built 1644 with 36 m height.
This pagota has the same roof size from Ist storey to the top. The inside of primary storey on first floor, the statues of Five Great Kannon, with Dainichi kannon at their outer.

6) 金堂(国宝) National Treasure (National Treasure)

Kondo is a transfer of the Imperial Palace in 17 century(1644), and is the oldest existing Shishinden. The prestige Amida triad, Shitennou statue and Braha statue is enshrined at Kondo.

7) 御影堂(重要文化財)   Mikage-do  (Important Cultural Property)

In 1645, Mikage-do was relocated from a part of Seiryoden of Gosyo.

8) 茶室、遼廊亭、飛濤亭(重要文化財)  Tea ceremony(Important Cultural Property)

There are only existing tea ceremony in this temple with skiya style of building.

9) 御室桜  Omuro-zakura

Do you know anything about Omuro-zakura in this temple?
They are cherry trees with height of two to three meters. Because they are short, you can enjoy the beautiful blossoms. They usually bloom late to mark the end of the cheery bloossom season of Kyoto.

10)世界遺産 Was made a World Heritage Site in 1994.

Was made a World Heritage Site in 1994.

