Nishihongan-ji Temple(西本願寺)
1. Location-Access
This temple is located near the norh of Kyoto station at Rakuchu Area in Kyoto.
It takes 15 munutes on foot from Kyoto station.
2. Who was built this temple?
1) It is reported that, after the death of Saint Shinran, the reliquary temple of the foundation patron , Shinran was established by his youngest daughter Kakushinni at the west side of Otani with support of disciple, was regarded as the cardle of Hongan-ji .
2) In 1321, the third Master, Kakunyo called it Senshu-ji and later charged its name to Hongan-ji.
3) In the middle of Muromachi Period, the religion of Hongan-ji had developed very fast and its teaching was expanded. But such prosperity led to the hostility against the government and in various area.
(室町時代中期になると、本願寺は急速に発展し、その教えを広めていった。 しかし、その興隆は、各政治、宗教勢力との対立へ発展し、門徒たちは、ついに武装して各地で一揆を 起すようになった。)
4) During the war period, the temple was moved around in Onin, in various area. Echizen and Kawachi area with keeping its forces and fell into a decline by the war of Ishiyama against Nobunaga ODA continued for the time more than 11 years from 1570.
5) In 1591, with the donation of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, the place of Hongan-ji was transerved to the current place from Temma area.
6) As Ieyashu feared the Hongan-ji religious still giving influence to the society, he divided the disciple into two group in 1602.
7)Was made a World Heritage Site in 1994.
Was made a World Heritage Site in 1994.
3. What is this temple famous for ?
1) The main mountain of Judo Shishu 浄土真宗の総本山
This temple is a representative denomination in Japanese Buddhism as the main of
Jodo Shinshu Sect. The official name is “Ryukokusan-Hongan-ji”, but this temple is called Nishi Hongan-ji o distinguish from Higashi Hongan-ji Temple.
2) National Treasures and Important cultural properties 国宝や重要文化財
There are lots of National treasures and Important cultural properties in this temple.
The garden of Kokei-no-niwa is also designed as a special scenio spot.
① The layout and structure of the building at this time was typical Shinsyu style.
Miei-do was bigger than the main hall and furthermore the structure was easy to go around for Praying.
(当時の建物の配置を構造は、典型的な宗教建築である。 御影堂の方が本堂より 大きく、堂内は自由に参拝できるように造られた。)
② There is the library hall behind the Mie-do which was structured in 1632 and was emblazoned with the beautiful sliding door and anazed-up in terms architecture and sculpture.
③ Further more, Nishi Hongan-ji has lots of Cultural properties such as Kara Gate, North nou-Platform and Shiran wooden figure.
4. What is highlight ?
1) Amida-do (National Treasure) 阿弥陀堂(本堂)
Amida-do, main hall was built in 1760 with East/west 42m, North/south 45m, Height 25m. The interior is lined up, Yokan, Sannoma, and Kyoyano-ma on the left and right, centering Amida Nyorai statue.
2) Goei-do (National Treasure) 御影堂
Goei-do was rebuilt in 1636 with East/west 48m, North/south 62m, Height 62m, is enlarging and is said to destination of shining Buddhist temple.
Saint Shinran wooden statue in center, on the left and right shadows of successive gatekeepers were enshrined.
3) Hiun-kaku (National Treasure) 飛雲閣
There is a Takusui-en garden in the south/east corner of the temple.
Three-storied pavilionis Huin-kaku so as soar in pond.
Hiun-kaku is one of “Kyoto three great pavilion” along with Kinkaku and Ginkaku.
4) Kara-mon (National Treasure) 唐門
Kara-mon is covered with black lacquer and is decorated with metal fittings everywhere and colorful sculptures. The sculpture carved a Chinese motif such as line, giraffe, phoenix, peacock, pine and poeny.
5) Katanobutai (National Treasure)
North-no-stage is a Noh stage located on the north side of Haku-shoin. The structure of bridge is a simple design and the roof is also relatively small. The back seat has a floorboard that is stretched vertically same as the main stage.