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It is located on the hillside of Mt.Kiyomizu or Mt.Otowa in Higashiyama Mountain Area of Kyoto.

Kiyomizu-gojo station on Keihan Line is the closest station.  If you go from Gion-shijo,

you can see other sites like Yasaka shrine on the way to Kiyomuzu-dera.



Who was built this temple?

It is said that Tamuramaro Saka-no-ue built a temple at Mt. Otowa to install his Kannon Bosatsu in 780. Then he enlarged the temple and named it “Kiyomizu(Clear Water) Temple”

In 798. However, it was burned down by the fires and battles since then.


In 1633, the present temple buildings were rebuilt by Shougun Iemitsu Tokugawa Tokugawa Shogunate.(1633 年現在の寺の建物が徳川幕府の家光にとり再築された。)

What is this temple famous for ?

1)This temple is a temple located in Kyoto, well-known for huge stage that it has. This is designed as a UNESUCO World Heritage Site categorized as a Historic Monument of Ancient Kyoto.




1.This stage Kiyomizu-temple was built people can play Gagaku or Noh to dedicate them to Kannon, the principle object of workship..


It’s almost as tall as a four-storied buildings. A common expression in Japanese, “Jump down from the stage of Kiyomizu” comes from this stage.


In the past, it was believed that your wish come true if you are still alive after jumping down from the stage.  And even if you die, you can go to the pure land paradise.


Record from Edo period(1603-1863) shows 234 people jumped and 34 people died.

85% of them were survived.


The stage is suppored by 139 wooden pillars but nails are not used at all.

The picture of the verande are famous, and they appear in many tourist guidebook.


Otowa waterfall   音羽の滝

It is spring-water that has been flowing for more than 1000 years. The name of this temple,Kiyomizu-dera(Pure water temple), comes from spring water.


Among the tree lines of spring-water, the left one gives you a good luck on studying,

the middle one on love and relationships, and the right one is for love life.


You are supposed to drink only one stream of water. If you drink two or three strams of water, your desired will not granted.


Nioumon and sanzyunoto   仁王門と三重の塔

This gate is called “Nioh-mon” inside it was built in 15th centery. Looking at it from the stage, you can see that, this gate stands on the direction of Imperial Palace.


It was built in this position so that people wouldn’t be able to overlook the palace where the emperor was live in. (天皇が住んでいる京都御所を見下ろさないようにちょうど隠れる位置に建てられている。)

This is one of the biggest three-stroried in Japan.                         It is also dubbed as a symbol of Higasiyama, Kyoto.


Kannon Buddhism  観音菩薩

Kiyomizu-dera is also famous for its Kannon Buddha and the main image at Kiyomizu-dera is an eleven-headed, thousand-armed Kannon statue.  .


Kannon Buddhism has 1000 arms and is said to help people in trouble.

