Sanzen-in Temple(三千院)
1. Location-Access
This temple is located at Rakuhoku Area of Ouhara district in Kyoto.
It takes 70 minutes by kyoto bus #17 from Kyoto station to Ouhara bus stop, ten-minute walk.
Or Subway: Kyoto (20 minutes)→Kokusaikaikan, Kyoto bus: Kokusaikainan (#21, 35 minutes)→Ouhara bus stop, ten-minute walk.
京都バス#17系統 京都駅(約10分)→大原バス停、(徒歩10分)→三千院 又は、地下鉄:京都駅(20分)→国際会館駅、京都バス#21系統:国際会館(35分)→大原バス停、徒歩10分 )
2. Who was this temple built ?
1) Sanzen-in Temple is one of five biggest division of Tendai Sect. In 708, Saicho built
a chapel with his own tea hut at Tou Touto Minamidani, the Hienzan mountain.
2) In 860,the priest Shoun enshrined Yakushi-Nyorai statue curved by Saicho at Enyubo and it was called “Kajii-no-miya”.
3) In 1118, as Emperor Horikawa’s son, Imperial prince Saiuncho entered Kajii-no-miya, Imperial and Sakkan family’s children followed it.
It became Monzeki Temple and is called “kajii Gate Ruins.”
4) In 1871, the government office of Kajii Monzeki was designated as the main shrine and the names “Sanzen-in temple” or “Sanzen-in Monzeki Temple” came into use.
The temple name of “Sanzen-in” came from “Ichinen Sanzen-in”.
It came to this place and the name after moves.
5) In 1966, “Onna Hitori” song by Duke Aces, is known to “ Tiried woman in love traveling alone”, made a big hit.
And the song made Sanzen-in representative tourist destination.
3. What is highlight ?
1) Oujyou Gokuraku-in(National Treasures) 往生極楽院(国宝)
① The main hall , Oujyou-in has a large repair during the Edo period but the chancel is still kept in condition of old style.
This is the honzon within Sanzen-in Temple, and consists of three seated statues of Amida Triad.
Amida Nyorai pausing Raigo-in, Kanzeon Bosatsu and Seishi Bosatsu as attendance of Amida Nyorai.
The curved shapped Funazoko ceiling is famous for the painted Raigei-zu of 25 Bosatsu’s with a plate on mountain shape.
② In early Taisho period, repaired interior sliding screen painting for each guest house is decollated with 5 brushes representing Kyoyo’s art platform at that time such as Seiho Takeuchi
2) Scenic Garden“Yushi-en”&“Shuheki-en” 名勝庭園「有清園」と「聚碧園」
① In the temple ground which nicely uses the landscapes, there are guest house and shinden which were allegedly made by Hideyoshi.
The two beautiful gardens are called Yushien and Shuheki-en. It is wonderful to see the careful leaves in red or orange fallen on the moss covering the grounds.
There is water of prolonged life called “Kongou-sui” in Yusei-en. You will gain fortune, if you wet this water with your hands.
② It is very calming to see the gardens and the stone Buddhas here.
This temple is also very famous of a Buddhist service where the priests recite the sutras in a special tune called “Osenboukou”.
The service is held to make our hearts pure and feel sorry for bad things we have done.
3) Beuautiful nature of the four seasons 四季折々の美しい自然
Ouhara is surrounded by mountains and very quiet.
You can enjoy distinctive seasonal scenes such as Cherry blossom and Rhododindron in Spring , Hydrangea in rainy season, Red leaves in autumn and Snow scene in winter.
You might be impressed deeply to see the red leaves surrounding above your head under the tunnel of maple in front of the temple gates.
4) Bishamon ten and Seven Dieties of God fortune 毘沙門天と京七福神
Bisyamonten who is the god of bravery also konown for another name of Tamonten,
is originally an Indian god for the guardian of wealth. It is regarded as the Norther guardian god of Buddhism and if you process it, you may obtain the luck.