Enryaku-ji Temple(延暦寺)
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Enryaku-ji Temple(延暦寺)

1. Location-Access

This temple is located in the mountain of Hiei-zan in Siga prefecture.
It takes 130 minutes from Kyoto station to Enryaku-ji bus center by Hieizan drive bus,
30 minutes walking .

京都側: 京阪電車「出町駅」→ 叡山電車「八瀬駅」→ 叡山ケーブル→ 叡山ロープウエイ→比叡山山頂→ バス「延暦寺バスセンター」下車→ 徒歩30分

2. Who was built this temple?

1) The Enryaku-ji temple was built by Saichou, the founder of Thedaisyuu of Buddhism, as a temple to ground the Heian-kyou against the influence thought from the northeast.
2) It was originally known as the Hiei-zan Temple, because of the name of where the temple is located. Hiei-zan is said to be one of three Rei-zan (Holy Mountains) in Japan,
together with Kouya-san and Osore-zan.
3) The Enryku-ji produced mumerous graet priests who founded imporatant Japanese Buddhist Sects, such as Hounen, Eisai, Shinran, Dougen, and Nichiren.
4) By the latter half of 10th century, this temple had become a flourishing temple, with its temple buildings configured almost the same as today. They are centered around three principal areas known as the Tou-Tou, Sai-tou anf Yokawa areas.
5) The temple was built down on several occasions thereafter, but was rebuilt each time.

3. What is this temple famous for ?

1) Japanese Buddhist Sanctuary as well as Kouya-san. 高野山並びに日本仏教聖地
The Enryaku-ji produced numerous great priests who founded important Japanese Buddhist Sects, such as Hounen, Eisai, Shiran, Dounen, and Nichiren.
2) Tou-tou, Sai-tou, Yokawa Area 東塔、西塔、横川エリア
Three areas, Tou-tou , Sai-tou and Yokawa, are called Hiei-zan Enryaku-ji and this temple was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1994.

4. What is highlight?

1) Tou-tou Area 東塔エリア

① Konpon-chudo (National treasure)根本中堂

Tou-tou area contains the Konpon-chudou and the Dai-koudou. The Kon-chudou, is originally famous for constructing by saichou in 788. And reconstructed in 1644, is the main hall for the entire temple complex.
The Konpon-chudo is a grandness building painted in red clay with fron 11 bays(20m), side 6 bays(11m). of the 6 bays front to back, front worship is Gejin of 1 bay(1.8m), inner worship is Chujin of 1 bay(1.8m) and at the rear of building is Naijin of 4 bays(7.2m).
Konpon-do is the largest central hall engraved of Enryaku-ji, and enshrined Yakushi Nyorai engraved by Saicho himself.

② Daikou-do (Important Cultural Property)  大講堂

The Dai-koudo, relocated and reconstructed from Sakamoto district after the old building was burnst down in 1956. It has already been by the Buddhist priests to hane devates to deepen their studies.

③ Monjuro

Monjuro had alredy done Entrance before.

2) Sai-tou Area 西塔エリア

① Syaka-do 釈迦堂

Syakado is the center of the Sai-tou to be the part of about 1 km west of Tou-tou.
Hien-zan was burnt by Nobunaga, but Syakado was rebuilt by Hideyoshi and the oldest building in Hiei-zan. The Hozon is Syaka Nyorai statue engraved by Saicho.

② Jogyodo/Hokedou 常行堂/法華堂(重要文化財)

A tradition saying that Benkei who served Yoshitune carried the corrider connecting the halls with his shoulders.
Jogyodo/Hokkedo is built in 826, was burnt out and rebuilt in 1595.

3) Yokawa Area 横川エリア

① Yokokawa Chudo 横川中堂

Yokawa-Chudo is the center of Yokawa area, the part of about 4km north of the Sai-tou. The Honden of this area is Kannon Bosatsu for the Yokawa-chudo.
According to a tradition, when a large snake attaché people, Priest Ryougen made him smaller and contained it in the pond, Fall into the opponet7s strategy.

② Siki-kodou 四季講堂(元三大師堂)

Shiki-kodo has a karahafu-style worship between 1 bay front with a hip-and –gable roof structure and copper plate in Edo early architecture. It is believed the Ryogen was the founder of “omikuji” which is now seen at many temple and shrines.


Was made a World Heritage Site in 1994.

