Daitoku-ji Temple(大徳寺)
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Daitoku-ji Temple(大徳寺)

1. Location-Access

This temple is located along Kitaouji Street at Rakuhoku Area, Kyoto.
It takes 40 minutes by city bus #205,206,101 from Kyoto sta. to Daitokuji-mae, five-minute walk.
市バス#205,206,101系統 京都駅(約40分)→大徳寺前、(徒歩5分)→大徳寺 )

2. Who was this temple built ?

1) In 1315, the Rinzai Sect was built by first priest Soho Myosho.
The principality is Syaka Nyorai.
2) This temple was burned down during the Ohnin War, but rebuilt by 48th chief priest Soujyun Ikkyu under the support of merchant in Sakai city.
3) Since Hideyoshi Toyotomi constructed and donated Soumi-in as sub-temple to enshrine Nobunaga, sub-temple construction was promoted by feudal warloards.
Most of the current buildings were completed at the beginning of Edo period.
(豊臣秀吉が信長の菩提を祀るため塔頭寺院として、総見院を建立し併せて寺領を寄進したので、それを契機に塔頭建立を極めた。ほとんどの建物が江戸時代初期に整備された。 )

3. What is this temple famous for ?

1) Sen-no-rikyu and Tea ceremony’s temple  千利休や茶の湯寺院
Daitoku-ji had many famous priest graduates in the history and has a close relationship with tea ceremony culture which has given a major influence to Japanese culture.
2) Typical Zen Sect Seven Temple buildings and Treasures典型的な禅宗七堂伽藍と寺宝
① The glorious temple now has most of important and main architects for Zen Sect such as Sanmon, Butsuden, Houden, kyouzou and Houjyo. There are preserved and shows the typical cathedral poison of Zen sect
② The garden of Houjyo is famous for a dry landscape garden at beginning of Edo period. The temple is regarded as the treasure house of zen Sect culture including documents and ancient text etc.
③ The kara-mon is said as the oldest building of Jyurakudai and it’s known for a typical
building of Momoyama period with wonderful sculpture.
The Houjyo is representative building of Zen Sect and placed with the sliding door painted by Tankyu Kano.

3) What is highlight ?


1) 大仙院   Daisin-in

Houjyo architecture of national treasure having “Toko-no-ma” and Gate” is the oldest building based on Zen thinking, and a wonderful dry landscape garden from here.
Sliding door of guest room is Important Cultural Property..

2) 瑞峯院   Zuihou-in

This temple was built by Otomo Soulin. Houjyo, kara-mon, and Omote-mon have
a character about Zen Buddhism architecture, registered National treasure.
The highlight is a dry landscape garden of "Dokuza-tei" and "Kanmin-tei".

3) 龍源院   Ryugen-in

There are three kinds of Zen garden in this temple. East side is “Toudekiko” in smallest garden.  North is “Ryokin-tei” called Aun-garden to use moss for expression of sea.
South is “Kodatei” to use white sand and stone.

4) 高桐院 Koto-in

There are a grave Hosokawa Tadaiki and Mrs. Garsya and the approach is beautiful covered with maple trees. "Ihhokuken" Syoin relocated from Se-no-rikyu house, a grave for “Izumo-no-akoku” of kabuki foulder.

伽 藍

1) 勅使門(重要文化財

In 1640, Chokushi-mon was worshipped by Emperor Gomizuo and relocated from the south of Gosyo.

2) 三門(重要文化財)

Chokushi-mon,Sanmon, Butsuden and Hatto are line up. Sanmon is said to be the reason of Sen-no-rikyuu Seppuku. Hideyoshi has to pass through inseam, as Rikyu enshrined Rikyu’s wooden statue on 2nd floor of Kinmo-kaku.

3) 仏殿(重要文化財)

Butsuden was built by 1st Daigen Kokushi, but was burned down by the Ohnin war.
Priest Ikkyu rebuilt and in 1665, the current building was reconstructed by Nawa Joyu.

4) 法堂(重要文化財)

In 1325, this temple was built, but burned down by Ohnin war.
In 1635, it was rebuilt by Inaba Maskatsu and Masanori.

5) 唐門(国宝)

Kara-mon is said to be a remnat of Jurakudai. Now Kara-mon is Houjyo front yard, but was the west of Chkushi-mon until the middle of Meiji period.

