Nijo Castle(二条城)
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Nijo Castle(二条城)

1. Location-Access

This castle is almost in the middle of city of Kyoto next to Old Imperial Palace of facing to the Horikawa street. It takes about 10 minutes from Kyoto station to Nijojo-mae by subway, changing at karasuma-oike.

2. Who was built this temple?

1) This castle was originally built in 1603 as an official residence of 1st Tokugawa Shogun.
2) It was completed in 1626 by the 3rd Shogun, Iemitsu Tokugawa who translated some structures from Fushimi Castle built in Momoyama Period (1573-1603).

3. What is this castle famous for ?

1) This castle served as a symbol of power and authority of Tokugawa Shogunate Government.
However, this castle was first given to the Imperial Family when the last Shogun, Yoshinobu returned his authority of his shogunate government to the Emperor in1868.
2) This castle consists of Ninimaru Palace, Honmaru Palace(usually closed) and large garden in strolling style in the castle ground.

4. The Ninomaru Palce   二の丸御殿

1) This palace consists of 5 buildings with 33 Tatami and 800 Tatami straw matrooms in Total. The palace building is entirely made of cypress tree.
2) The Kano School painting door is kept leaving about 3600 numbers.
The transoms above the sliding doors are beautifully carved on cypress boards.

5. The Nightingale Floor うぐいす張り

1) From the entrance to Grand Chamber in the Ninomaru Palace, the wooden floor squeks and creaks whenever anyone walks on it.
2) When the floor is trodden upon, the cramps under the fllor move up and down, creating a friction between the nails and the cramps.
3) This friction causes the floor to squeak and creak. This is a bird sound, so it is popularity called “Nightingale Floor” or Uguishibari Floor.

6. Honamaru Palce      本丸御殿(未公開)

1) The internal of Honmaru Palce can be geogeouly aecorated by Kano School Barrier Painting with from the palace of the former Katsura residence.

7. Ninomaru Palace Garden 二の丸御殿の庭園

1) In keeping with traditional garden design, this garden is built around a large central pond and contains rocks and stones in variety of shapes sizem and colors.
2) In the center of the pond, there is 3 islands: namely, Horai-jam of external happiness, Tsuru-jima-crane island Kamejima-turtle island.
3) This garden was desined by well-known Landscape architect and master of tea ceremony, Enshu Kobori(1579-1647).

